Tozando theme
Tozando's theme is "The fusion of Japanese potteries and Chinese tea culture."
Potteries and tea were introduced to Japan from mainland China and the Korean peninsula, and developed uniquely in Japan. Matcha tea began to spread in Japan from the latter half of the Muromachi period (1400-), and sencha tea spread from the Edo period (1600-).
Many pottery production areas, such as Kyoto, Shigaraki, Bizen, and Karatsu, produced many tea wares for sencha (tea brewed from tea leaves, not powdered). However, from the Taisho period (1925-), matcha became the mainstream of tea ceremony, and the demand for sencha wares gradually decreased.
Tozando works with pottery artists and kilns from all over Japan to sell sencha wares that make use of the characteristics of Japanese soil and traditional techniques. We believe that our mission is to unearth and develop wonderful potteries and sencha wares that are being lost.
Our goal is to share these sencha wares not only with people in Japan, but also with people overseas, primarily in the Chinese-speaking world. By sharing the pottery and sencha culture that developed in Japan with people in the Chinese-speaking world, we hope to help promote cultural exchange.